Everyday Business Storytelling with Janine Kurnoff (Episode #131)

Everyday Business Storytelling with Janine Kurnoff (Episode #131)

  • Once upon a time, finding a book on presentation design was almost non-existent. On this episode we get to spend some time with the co-author of “Everyday Business Storytelling”, one of the latest entries into the presentation space. All three of us; Nolan, Sandy and Troy, read the book, found it full a great information and examples and are excited to have a conversation with Janine Kurnoff about it!
  • Troy:
  • Janine, let’s start with you introducing yourself, The Presentation Company, and some of your background.
  • Why a book? Why now?
  • Who is the book written for; presenters, admin creating presentations for their boss, presentation designers, who?
  • Tell us about how the book content was developed.
  • We need to talk about the design of the book, and especially the presentation examples.
  • There is a chapter devoted to writing emails. What are some words of wisdom on crafting emails you can share?
  • there differences, things people should do differently, with regard to story when they’re on Zoom/remote meeting for their presentation?
  • Let’s talk about slide titles, or headlines.
  • What have we not talked about, about the book, about The Presentation Company, about future plans, that we should?