Agency Work (Episode 12)

Nolan, Troy and Sandy talk about the world of presentations and how it intersects with creative agencies – both in terms of agencies creating presentations in-house for their own purposes and selling presentation design to clients....

What is the Best Font Size? (Episode 11)

Listing what size font to use is a classic presentation “rule” that is never really agreed upon or followed when it is set. This episode, the hosts talk about their guidelines for font size, including when to follow a font size rule, why a font size...

When Do You Say No to a Project? (Episode 27)

It is easy to say “Yes” in most situations, it is polite and everyone likes to hear it. But, in the real world, it is sometimes better to say “No” to a project – for many reasons. Nolan, Sandy and Troy each have very different...

Deposit, Terms and $ for Presentation Design (Episode 28)

When a new design project comes in, the project billing amount and process needs to be defined. Is there a deposit? What are the payment terms? All very important considerations on the business side of design and the topic of discussion for Troy, Sandy and...

Adobe Techniques in PowerPoint (Episode 10)

In the beginning – of digital presentation design – all apps were extremely limited in their editing capabilities. But things have improved and it is amazing what can be designed direct inside PowerPoint. For this podcast episode, Troy, Nolan and Sandra talk about how they...

This is Where I Design (Episode 9)

The 4th of July weekend is the height of summer, at least here in the States, and this time everyone has a bit more relaxed episode to go with the mellow summer attitude. Troy, Sandy and Nolan are talking about their design studios, typical work...

What Else Do You Use PowerPoint For? (Episode 29)

PowerPoint is an amazingly versatile application. The core focus of the application is on presentation slides, but it is used for so much more, so Troy, Nolan, and Sandy are sharing their top 10 things uses PowerPoint for – outside of presentation slides....

Windows 10 Fluent Design and the Future of Presentation Design (Episode 30)

Microsoft has just started releasing its next update to the Windows Operating System, called “The Creators Update.” Looking at the available details, the new aesthetic styling system, labelled “The Fluent Design System” has some exciting ideas that will hopefully carry over into the presentation design...

Faster & Better Design with PowerPoint Add-ins (Episode 8)

PowerPoint desktop has always had the ability to run 3rd party add-ins to expand its tool set and capabilities. Nolan, Troy and Sandy talk about what add-ins they have installed, real-world examples of when they are used and give tips & tricks for better and...

Print-only Presentations (Episode 6)

PowerPoint was initially created to replace overhead transparencies and 35mm slides – that’s why we still call each page a slide. But today, PowerPoint is also used as a layout and desktop publishing tool. A lot of people shudder at the thought of that or try...

The Annual Presentation Guild Salary Survey

The Annual Presentation Guild Salary Survey is open and we need your input! Last year's survey helped at least one person negotiate a higher salary to get what they deserved! The survey is open through October 23rd. Thank you for your participation!...

Do Bullets Kill An Audience? (Episode 7)

Do bullet points kill an audience? In this episode, we discuss the misuse of presentation software and the issues it can cause. More importantly we cover what our audiences can do to overcome this deadly pitfall....