Live From the 2018 Presentation Summit! (Episode 63)

This episode is a live conversation recorded at the 2018 Presentation Summit in San Diego California. We gathered around a table and just the let conversation flow – so enjoy a fantastic everything presentation conversation among 10 presentation industry experts!...

Updating Sandy on the 2018 Presentation Summit (Episode 65)

Join Troy, Nolan and Sandra for a post-Presentation Summit conversation as Troy and Nolan update Sandy on their key take-aways and stories from this year’s conference. Attendee stats Tapas sessions – and Lori Chollar “History of Typography and Professional Typography in Presentation Design” Presentation Guild...

Scope Creep and the Boiling Frog (Episode 66)

All Presentation projects all have parameters; what is needed, when it is needed, who needs to approve, how you will be paid. Project scope can be very simple or very robust. One thing that is almost inevitable, the project scope changes before the final design...

There are no Mistakes with Travis Thomas (Episode 67)

Presenting is a skill and an act of being courageous while being the focus of an audience. A presenter secret is, the audience does not know the slides, talking points or what is supposed to happen. Join an amazing conversation where Troy, Nolan and Sandy...

The Presentation Design Brief (Episode 69)

Every new presentation design project begins with gathering details – the Presentation Design Brief. Troy, Sandra and Nolan talk about what format these each use for their Design Briefs, along with what information is captured for presentation makeover projects....

Women’s Work Show – Presentation Creator

What’s a presentation creator, right? Well, she’s has been in this industry a long time now, enough to where she used to call herself a power point creator, but now she works in all sorts of mediums. Basically, she helps presenters make good presentations. Anyone...

PowerPoint Loses Fonts and Theme Colors when Changing Sizes

On two separate occasions recently, I needed to change the slide size for a presentation. Once, when the client required both the standard 4:3 slide size and the widescreen 16:9 format and again, when I was correcting an old template created in PowerPoint 2013 (when...

Holiday Edition (Episode 20)

In the final episode of 2016, the hosts fill the hour with holiday related conversation! Along with the holiday discussions, there is plenty of design talk, great design gift ideas, and plenty of presentation design holiday cheer!...

Data Viz and Presentations (Episode 19)

Today, Troy, Nolan and Sandy talk about the big topic of Data Visualization, or Data Viz, which has countless ways of displaying data on slides. Every presentation designer is using Data Viz techniques, without necessarily knowing it, or calling it that. Although all three approach Data Viz...