PowerPoint Design Trend – Hand Made Fonts

Graphic designers are using hand made fonts in their print and multi-media materials. This is a trend that I've started to use in slide design. What I like about it There is something about a hand made font that makes a presentation come alive. I don't know...

PowerPoint Design Trend – Supertext

You'll find supertext, as I call it, making the rounds in television commercials. Similarly,  I'm finding -- and using it -- in PowerPoint design. Why I like it A slide using supertext is a great tool for leveraging the "single concept per slide" guideline. As a part of a mix...

PowerPoint Design Trend – White Text on Full Bleed Image

I often look to web graphic design trends for inspiration in presentation design. One trend we're experiencing in the wide world of the web is the use of white text over a full bleed image. This approach can give any presentation a simple, yet sophisticated look....

Flat Design in PowerPoint – Trend or Revolution

I often look to web graphic design trends for inspiration in presentation design. Flat design has taken the web design world by storm for several years. It’s so pervasive in web design that I hesitate to call it a trend. That said, I welcome this simple...

2013 Animated (& Customizable) PowerPoint Holiday Greeting Card Each year, in an effort to express my gratitude for the good fortune that has come my way, I offer a free animated greeting card built in PowerPoint, to anyone who enjoys the cool things PowerPoint can do. This year's card features a happy Christmas...

My Migraine Headache — PowerPoint Style

For you PowerPoint haters, this is not another gripe against mammoth Microsoft and the headache its presentation tool, PowerPoint, causes. No this is quite the contrary. This is an example of how I was able to make the pain "visible" to others using PowerPoint and...

Create Handsketched Illustrations in PowerPoint using the Ink Tool

Check out this fun animated sketch I created using PowerPoint 2013. I used the Ink Tools featured on my Surface Pro.  It's a great way to incorporate design trends into your PowerPoint presentations. Globe Sketch 2 < Here is the PowerPoint file. Here is the link to...