
A Presentation Summit Wrap Up

The Presentation Podcast's final episode of the year recaps the 2023 Presentation Summit season. Nolan, Troy, and I were all on site for the October event and also joined the virtual sessions in November. Drop in to e188 as we compare notes on the Summit...


What People Want to Learn (Episode #184)

Are you a presenter, trainer or conference host? Wondering what makes for a great attendee experience? In e184 of The Presentation Podcast, "What People Want to Learn," Troy, Nolan, and I explore what people want to get out of training presentations and conferences. We leave aside non-educational...


Whatever happened to TED? (episode #180)

Whatever happened to TED? Technology, Entertainment, Design—TED: ideas worth spreading. TED talks provide an amazing platform for presenters. The organization has made quality presentation skills and presentation design a factor to be considered in all presentations. But has the age of the TED talk diminished? Join Troy...